Silk Screening Process

Silk screening is a marking process that is actually very popular with t-shirt makers, poster makers, and with nameplate makers as well. This is because of the fact that this method of manufacturing is rather easy to do and can produce numerous plates at a low cost. These nameplates are produced in much the same manner as in the Stonewear Process. The principle advantages of this process include better coverage of large areas of solid color, and retardation of fading because of thicker coverage.

Standard silk screened plates are made with the use of a woven mesh, or a screen, which has a stencil that blocks ink from passing through various parts of the design. The ink or paint that is placed on the mesh is then passed through the unprotected parts and onto the empty metal plates or label materials underneath, with the help of a tool called a squeegee. Careful passing of this fill blade over the mesh will produce even ink or paint coatings on the material underneath.

For products that require multiple colors, each color addition needs to be thoroughly dried before the next color is applied. A different screen is used for each color that is to be added. Different parts of these screens are also covered by the stencils used on these in order to properly distribute the various colors of the design onto the materials that are being used to create the labels or plates being crafted.