What is the hiring process for stores ?

We’ve provided information on what to expect in each step of the application process for stores

What is required to apply for a job at Newtech India ?

Application requirements vary depending on the career area you are viewing. As a minimum age requirement, you must be at least 18 years old to work at Newtech India. Certain positions, however, require a minimum age of 25. As you prepare to complete your application have your prior work history available. To apply for opportunities you are qualified for, please visit our job search page.

How long does it take to complete an application for hourly positions at a Newtech India ?

On average, it takes 15-20 minutes to complete your application for the first time, plus an additional 20-30 minutes for assessments. Subsequent applications will take less time to apply as our system saves some of your application information. Please note that some positions require the completion of assessments in order to receive consideration for that role. For assistance with submitting an application contact our candidate help line at 8151828200, open M-F 10am-4pm IST.

How can I apply for an hourly position with Newtech India ?

You can find overall hourly hiring application information here.

How can I find a Newtch India is close to me that is hiring?

Be sure to follow our store and hourly roles main page for the latest on store openings. We are always accepting applications in our stores and Head Quarters so be sure to apply for the locations that you are interested in for consideration. Visit the Newtech Store Finder to discover the location nearest to you.

Can I apply to a store or location that has not opened yet or is not currently hiring?

For new stores or locations that are opening soon, the hiring search will begin approximately 3-4 months prior to the grand opening date. New store opening dates and information are available one month prior to their open date on our main page for store and location hourly roles.

Can I apply to multiple stores in my area or do I need to submit separate applications for each one of them?
No, during the application process, once you search for stores/location in your area you can select multiple locations at one time by clicking the boxes next to those that you are most interested in.

Will I receive notification if I’m not being considered for a store or position?
Applicants that apply online for store hourly positions will be put into our applicant tracking system based on your interest and geographic preference. Your application will remain in our system for 60 days, so you will not receive a notification if you are not selected or if a job has been filled. We will continue to review your application for positions that match your interests.

How can I contact someone for more assistance with submitting an application?
For assistance with submitting an application contact our candidate help line at 8151828200, open M-F 10am-4pm IST